Neighborhood Watch

Lincoln Hills has a very active Neighborhood Watch program organized by mail stations. There are 6,783 houses organized in 78 Villages (including A, B, C, D and E designations) and 595 mail stations. Communication is managed by at least 11 Directors, about 70 Village Coordinators and about 569 Mail Box Captains totaling approximately 650 volunteers.

Neighborhood Watch is a national program under which neighbors organize to prevent crime in their neighborhood and to increase personal safety awareness. Neighborhood Watch strengthens neighborhood ties and provides an opportunity to meet and know your neighbors.

Residents are organized into "Watch Stations" which include all residents who receive their mail at the same mail station. The Mail Box Captain passes on security and crime-related information to those residents in their mail station and periodically arranges meetings to discuss safety and security measures concerning them. This also helps the neighbors to become better acquainted with each other, which in turn creates a safer place to live. Each member of the mail station completes a Resident Contact Information Form which includes the names, addresses, phone numbers, names of pets and family and neighbor emergency contacts. This form is only shared with the Village Coordinator and respective Mail Box Captains. The goal is to provide family contact information in an emergency but at the same time maintain confidentiality. Residents are free to informally share any of their own information with their families, friends and neighbors outside of Neighborhood Watch. This information has proven to be an invaluable resource to neighbors and to the Lincoln Police and Fire Departments when a security or other problem has arisen and the resident was away from home.

Participation in Neighborhood Watch is optional.